Molar Mass, Percent Composition and Molecular Formulas (Ch 6)


Molar Mass (Ch 6).doc

Percent composition (Ch 6).doc

Formulas of Compounds (Ch 6).doc




Counting by mass lab.doc

Determination of the Formula of Copper II Sulfate.doc

6.1AB p210 # 4, 10, 12, 14ab, 15ab, 16ab

6.2 (Day 1) p211 # 24ab-26ab

6.2(Day 2) p211# 16cd, 20ab, 21ab, 23ab, (6.3) 28ab,  29ab

6.3AB # 30a, 32, 33, 34, 37

6.3C p212 # 35, 42, 44, 46, 49

Ch 6 Review p213-214 # 53 (First 3 rows), 59, 48



Tutorial: Avogadro's Number

Tutorial: Percent Composition