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IB Exams

Page history last edited by Brendt Bly 14 years, 1 month ago

The external assessment consists of three written papers (exams) that make up 76% of the final IB mark. The assessment of lab work makes up the other 24%.


Paper 1

Paper 1 is made up of multiple-choice questions that test knowledge of the core only for students at SL and the core and AHL material for students at HL. The questions are designed to be short, one- or two-stage problems that address objectives 1 and 2 (see the “Objectives” section). No marks are deducted for incorrect responses. Calculators are not permitted, but students are expected to carry out simple calculations.  A periodic table is provided.


Paper 2

Paper 2 tests knowledge of the core only for students at SL and the core and AHL material for students at HL. The questions address objectives 1, 2 and 3 and the paper is divided into two sections.

In section A, there is a data-based question that requires students to analyse a given set of data. The remainder of section A is made up of short-answer questions.

In section B, students at SL are required to answer one question from a choice of three, and students at HL are required to answer two questions from a choice of four. These extended-response questions may involve writing a number of paragraphs, solving a substantial problem, or carrying out a substantial piece of analysis or evaluation. A calculator is required for this paper.  The data booklet is provided.


Paper 3

Paper 3 tests knowledge of the options and addresses objectives 1, 2 and 3. Students at SL are required to answer several short-answer questions in each of the two options studied. Students at HL are required to answer several short-answer questions and an extended-response question in each of the two options studied. A calculator is required for this paper.  The data booklet is provided.


Standard Level Examination







weighting of

objectives (%)

1+2      3 




Format and syllabus coverage


Paper 1




30 multiple-choice questions on the core

Paper 2


16       16

Section A: one data-based question and several short-answer questions on the core (all compulsory)

Section B: one extended-response question on the core (from a choice of three)

Paper 3


12       12


Several short-answer questions in each of the two options studied (all




Higher Level Examination







weighting of

objectives (%)

1+2      3 




Format and syllabus coverage


Paper 1




40 multiple-choice questions (±15 common to SL plus about five more on the core and about 20 more on the AHL)

Paper 2


18       18

Section A: one data-based question and several short-answer questions on the core and the AHL (all compulsory)

Section B: two extended-response questions on the core and the AHL (from a choice of four)

Paper 3


10       10

Several short-answer questions and one extended-response question in each of the two options studied (all compulsory)


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